From the creators of the award-winning Age of Empires franchise, Age of Mythology: Retold goes beyond history to a mythical age where gods, monsters, and humans collide.
Defeat 10000 units in battle.
Destroy 2000 buildings in battle.
Complete a Wonder.
Complete a Titan gate.
Toss 500 units into the air.
Train 10000 Villagers.
Reach the Villager build limit in a match.
Build 50 Fortress-like buildings.
Defeat 100 AI opponents.
Play a multiplayer match.
Defeat 50 enemy units with Villagers.
Destroy 3 Town Centers with Infantry.
Defeat 50 units with Militia.
Defeat 100 units with Centaurs.
Defeat 50 Villagers with Anubites.
Complete the Tutorial mission.
Complete the first mission of the Fall of the Trident campaign.
Complete the Greek portion of the Fall of the Trident campaign.
Complete the Egyptian portion of the Fall of the Trident campaign.
Complete the Norse portion of the Fall of the Trident campaign.
Complete the Fall of the Trident campaign.
Complete the first mission of the Golden Gift Campaign.
Complete the Golden Gift campaign.
Complete the first mission of the New Atlantis campaign.
Complete the New Atlantis campaign.
Win a match without building a Farm.
Win a match without training any military units aside from Heroes and Myth Units.
Win a match without building an additional Village Center or Town Center.
Win a match as Greeks without training Ranged Soldiers or Cavalry.
Win a match as Norse without training Infantry, except Hersirs.
Defeat 100 Villagers with Fenris Wolf Broods.
Unleash a Greek, an Egyptian, a Norse, and an Atlantean Titan.
Use 4 God Powers within 30 seconds.
Fully fatten 10 livestock animals in a single match.
Empower 15 buildings simultaneously.
Deal 2000 damage with Set Animals in a single match.
Reach the Villager build limit training only Dwarves.
Time shift 200 buildings.
Toss a unit twice within 4 seconds with Minotaurs.
Heal 4000 HP with Valkyries.
Heal 10000 HP using Caladrias.
Absorb 5000 damage with Behemoths.
Cast the Einheri's 'Horn Blast' ability 20 times in one game session.
Use the Mountain Giant's 'Punt' ability.
Create over 666 Argus eyes in a single match.
Regenerate 5000 hitpoints using the Colossus' 'Colossal Hunger' ability.
In Fall of the Trident 7. "More Bandits", win by only training Centaurs, no other units!
Invoke the Bolt God Power on the Manticore in the Tutorial Mission.
In Fall of the Trident mission 1. "Omens", train an additional 10 Hoplites and 10 Toxotai.
In Fall of the Trident 2. "Consequences", find the Shipwreck to help boost your economy.
Bestow your first Blessing upon your Legend.
Bestow 3 Blessings upon your Legend simultaneously.
Bestow 3 divine and/or eternal Blessings upon your Legend simultaneously.
Allow your Legend to deal the final blow on 50 enemies.
Complete a Large Gateway.
Complete the final Gateway of a page.
Complete the final Gateway of an episode.
Complete a Large Gateway without any Blessing.
Complete 10 Gateways in a row without losing.
Complete every Gateway in an episode.
Complete every Gateway in an episode on Hard.
Win an Arena of the Gods mission in co-op.
Invoke Peach Blossom Spring 5 or more times in a single match.
Invoke Creation during the Mythic Age.
Win a match with 20 or more farms blessed by Shennong's Prosperous Seeds.
Deal over 10000 damage to enemy units and structures with Kuafus.
Add a total of 300 Training Yards or Towers to your Machine Workshops or Military Camps.
Link 3 or more Town Centers in a chain within Favored Land.
Summon 25 Terracotta Riders in a single match.
Consume 5 units with a single Taotie.
Defeat 100 enemy units using Qilins.
Invoke Blazing Prairie for the first time.
Launch 10 or more enemy units into the air using Tao Wu’s Rampage ability.
Damage 10 enemies simultaneously using Qinglong's Aqua Burst ability.
Acquire 1,000 food and 1,000 wood using Pixius.
Win a match with Replicate mirror image units dealing at least 600 damage.
Complete the first mission of the Chinese Campaign.
Complete the last mission of the Chinese Campaign.
In scenario 2 of the Chinese Campaign, capture both the Northern and Southern bases.
In Scenario 4 of the Chinese Campaign, free all valley guardians.
In Scenario 6 of the Chinese Campaign, win with the Pillar remaining at least 60% HP.
In scenario 1 of the Chinese Campaign, Use the Blazing Prairie God Power on the enemy base.
In Scenario 3 of the Chinese Campaign, find the lost relic in the ruins.