Alien: Isolation Steam Key

Alien: Isolation

Discover the true meaning of fear in Alien: Isolation, a survival horror set in an atmosphere of constant dread and mortal danger.

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04 January, 2017 – CraigBGP Team

Alien: Covenant will be getting it's very own VR Game!

Making the jump from the Big Screen to VR will be the scary world of Alien: Covenant, as it attempts to bring the audience one step closer to the Alien experience

When it comes to VR many companies try to immerse you in the game as much as humanly possible and that's looking like the case with the upcoming Alien: Covenant, a VR game based on the movie. This new Alien game will be created by Fox Innovation Lab and Ridley Scott helping deliver an authentic Alien experience as they bring 'a dread-inducing journey into the depths of the Alien universe.”

I knew I shouldn't have eaten that taco!

“Viewers will discover the true meaning of terror as they navigate through horrifying alien environments and a story where every decision could mean the difference between life and death.”

Our last Alien game was Alien: Isolation which was a tremendous success and brought back the survival element that recent Alien titles had moved away from (we're looking at you Alien: Colonial Marines). There's no word on how long this new VR title will be but we'd imagine it'll be a fairly short experience, hopefully one day we'll get a sequel to Alien: Isolation but in the meantime we can look forward to facehuggers in VR ;)

Alien: Covenant | Official Trailer

It'll be available on all major VR platforms such as the Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and PlayStation VR as a paid title. As yet there is no official release date but with the movie due out in May it's likely to appear close to then.

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