Boo! Greedy Kid Steam Key

Boo! Greedy Kid

In "Boo! Greedy Kid", you play as a small brat who's so into soda that he doesn't blink an eye before wreaking havoc to get his favorite drink. Go frighten people with your own voice! (or a controller, that's fine too)

Windows PC  Arcade & Indie
£3.99 To the Shop-Page
20 March, 2018 – gameprobros

Boo! Greedy Kid - The Greediest Kid Ever 🤑 - Game Pro Bros

Screaming obscenities at old people and taking their money? Yeah, the Bros got this shit covered, Boo! Greedy Kid.

Get the game: https://uk.gamesplanet.com/game/boo-greedy-kid-steam-key--3532-1?ref=gpb

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There's a new punk kid in the house! In "Boo! Greedy Kid", you play as a small brat who's so into soda that he doesn't blink an eye before wreaking havoc to get his favorite drink.

Go frighten people in order to grab their money and buy drinks! How greedy! Play with your own voice through one hundred levels to get to the ultimate soda treasure, but be aware of the cops coming your way to stop your greediness.

Use your own voice to scare people! Boo! (Controllers are fine too);
Play it sneaky, hide behind furniture and dodge the five-o running after you;
Setup strategies and distract characters by twerking your greedy butt;
Complete one hundred levels of money grabbing and get the best soda;
Build and share your own hellish levels with the level editor and Steam Workshop support."

♫ "Take the Lead" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

All reasonable effort has been made to credit all items used within this video, and to ensure all items have been utilized within fair use and public domain. If you believe we have forgotten to credit you, please PM us via youtube profile and we will make our best effort to rectify the issue.

Episode: Boo! Greedy Kid - The Greediest Kid Ever 🤑 - Game Pro Bros

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZTkuzLakTI

Score: 1

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