Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster Steam Key

Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster

Dead Rising returns with modern graphics in this Deluxe Remaster!

Windows PC  Action / Adventure
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17 September, 2024 – CraigBGP Team

Hands on with the Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster PC Version

The Dead Rise again with the release of the Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster, which is coming to PC on September 19th. Take a look at our first impressions from the game!

By Craig Bishop (Gamesplanet)

Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster Review copy was provided by Capcom for testing purposes, opinions are Gamesplanet's own and not representative of Capcom. Performance stated is in a pre-release build and may not reflect the final game.

Photojournalist Frank West returns later this week in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster, which is out September 19th. Thanks to our friends at Capcom we were given Early Access to the game ahead of release to try out the latest version of the classic Dead Rising, and see exactly how it compares to the original Dead Rising.

Ready your Camera for Action

Capcom are no strangers to bringing their classic zombie titles to life in a new way, as we've seen with various Resident Evil getting remake treatments including the wonderful Resident Evil 4 and Resident Evil 2. However unlike the Resident Evil titles, Dead Rising Remaster Deluxe is not a full on remake and focuses on updating the visuals for a 2024 release, as well as bringing some quality of life improvements to the game.

The original game was released all the way back in 2006, so updating it for a modern audience was critical due to the visuals looking a bit dated. When you start the game you'll immediately notice the visual changes, as models look crisper and the RE Engine does what it does best: showing off things are high resolutions. Everything from the zombies, to interiors and textures have all been touched up to give the ultimate Dead Rising experience.

Frank West Returns

Outside of the visuals another key pillar in bringing this remake to life is controls and improvements to the gameplay, for example in the original you were not able to move while taking pictures. In Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster however, Frank West has leveled up his photo skills and will be able to freely move around while taking pictures of zombies. Of course we still recommend you watch your surroundings, especially behind! You can also pin objectives on a map, giving you waypoints that help in getting to the right place in the mall, which you'll need in order to tackle the game's 72 hour mode (the default mode of play). In this mode Frank will have 72 hours to piece together parts of the story, while exploring shops in search of different weapons, health and survivors to rescue.

Those who have played the original will be happy to hear that auto saves are now featured in the game, and you'll be able to retry from checkpoints should you fail a mission or get eaten by zombies. You also now have the ability to see weapon durability, something that was needed back in the day as you'd often find your weapons randomly breaking.

Another addition to the game this time is the addition of costumes, and while you can get clothes around the mall, these costumes pay homage to Capcom games of the past. My personal favourite was dressing up as Ashley from Resident Evil 4, while another sees you as Ken from Street Fighter. Not only do you get a visual makeover, but there are BGMs for each costume that changes certain parts of game as well.

Currently most of the costumes are included with the Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster Digital Deluxe, but it's possible Capcom may add these post-release as separate DLC (like they've done with RE2 cosmetics).

Final Impressions

While not a full on remake like the Resident Evil titles, Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster is perhaps the best way to play Frank West's story on modern systems. Not only is the remaster a visual upgrade, but you're getting quality of life upgrades that are essential for both newcomers and veterans alike. It's clear that the team wanted to bring this version up to date and iron out some of the original problems. I would also love to see them work on more remasters from the franchise (my personal favourite is Dead Rising 2 - Off the Record, but it's not clear if they'll do that.

For now at least you can take on zombies and practice your photo skills when Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster launches on September 19th. Pre-order the game today to get your Steam key and start preloading the game while you wait!

How about Steam Deck?

Sadly, due to time constraints it was not possible to test on the Steam Deck, however the game uses the RE Engine and other titles that run on the engine do run - but the game has not yet been Deck Verified and it's possible you may have a lessened experience by playing it this way. If you're unsure I'd suggest waiting to see if the game is Deck Verified in the future.

Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster Gallery

To round out let's have a look at some screenshots from the game. Screens were provided by Capcom showcasing various elements of the game.

Score: 2

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