Relive the story of Goku and other Z Fighters in DRAGON BALL Z: KAKAROT! Beyond the epic battles, experience life in the DRAGON BALL Z world as you fight, fish, eat and train with Goku, Gohan, Vegeta and others.

Windows PC  Action / RPG (Roleplay)
£49.99 -78% £10.95 To the Shop-Page
05 January, 2020 – CraigBGP Team

Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot PC Version Comparison

Ascend to the next level when Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot flies in on a nimbus cloud later this month on January 17th. Not sure which version to grab? We've put together a handy guide to help you work out what version is best for you. With 3 versions of Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot available (Standard / Deluxe and Ultimate) each one will have their own bonuses and we've broken down everything into a table below to make your purchase decision easier!

Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot PC Version Comparison

Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot Standard Deluxe Edition Ultimate Edition
Base Game (Steam Key)
Cooking Item (Melee ATK and HP Boost) Pre-order Pre-order Pre-order
"A Competetive Party with Friends" Sub Quest Pre-order Pre-order Pre-order
Training Menu Early Unlock Pre-order Pre-order Pre-order
Season Pass (2 orignal episodes and a new story)
Cooking Item (Ki-ATK and HP Boost)
Cooking Item (Ki-ATK, Ki-DEF and HP boost)
Anime Music Pack (featuring 11 songs - available Spring 2020)
The Tao Pai Pai Pillar (available Spring 2020)

Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot Pre-order Bonus

Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot launches on January 17th, pre-order any version of the game today from Gamesplanet to get the following bonuses for free!

  • Cooking Item (permanently boosts your Melee ATK and HP stats)
  • "A Competetive Party with Friends" Sub Quest
  • Training Menu Early Unlock (featuring “Bonyu”, a new Character created by the author, Akira Toriyama)

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