Relive the story of Goku and other Z Fighters in DRAGON BALL Z: KAKAROT! Beyond the epic battles, experience life in the DRAGON BALL Z world as you fight, fish, eat and train with Goku, Gohan, Vegeta and others.

Windows PC  Action / RPG (Roleplay)
£49.99 -78% £10.95 To the Shop-Page
19 January, 2020 – CraigBGP Team

How to find your Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot Pre-order/Special/Ultimate Edition bonuses

Diving into the world of Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot but not sure where to find your bonuses? No matter which version you get you'll get a few cool things within the game and we've thrown together a handy guide to help you locate all your bonuses included with the various Editions we've got on offer.

As soon as you begin the game you'll get messages alerting you to the various bonuses that are available to the player (depending on the Edition you receive).

How to find your Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot Pre-order Bonus

Those who pre-ordered any version of Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot will have received the following bonuses:

  • Cooking Item (permanently boosts your Melee ATK and HP stats)
  • "A Competetive Party with Friends" Sub Quest
  • Training Menu Early Unlock (featuring “Bonyu”, a new Character created by the author, Akira Toriyama)

Smiling Ultra Mega Roast

After you start the game you'll get a message that the Smiling Ultra Mega Roast x1 is available. This can be found on the Items menu and it'll give you +1000 HP and +50 to Melee ATK. It will also give you +20% HP for 3 minutes.

"A Competetive Party with Friends" Sub-Quest

Players will need to reach the Cell Saga Episode 2: For the Future. Once you've got to that point in the game you can start the "A Competetive Party with Friends" Sub quest.

Bonyu's Training Early Unlock

To get early access to Bonyu's training mission, players will need to finish the Cell Saga Episode 2, then an event will automatically trigger guiding you to start this mission with Akira Toriyama's latest creation.

How to find Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot Deluxe Edition Bonuses

Those looking to expand their experience can grab the Deluxe Edition which includes the Game, Season Pass and one extra cooking item.

Aged Wild Steak

After you start the game you'll get a message that the Aged Wild Steak x1 is available. This can be found on the Items menu and it'll give you +1000 HP and +50 to Ki ATK. It will also give you +20% Ki ATK for 3 minutes.

Season Pass Content

If you've purchased the Deluxe/Ultimate you'll also receive the Season Pass for free (or you can buy it separately). This includes 2 original episodes, and one new story!

Currently there are no extra bonuses for owning the Season Pass. However we'll be updating the guide as soon as it becomes available later in 2020.

How to find Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot Ultimate Edition Bonuses

Those who purchase the Ultimate Edition will get all the Deluxe Edition bonuses, plus the Anime Music Pack (11 additional songs from the anime, available Spring 2020) and the Tao Pai Pai Pillar (available Spring 2020).

Dragon Palace Bowl

After you start the game you'll get a message that the Dragon Palace Bowl x1 is available. This can be found on the Items menu and it'll give you +1000 HP, +50 to Ki ATK and +50 to Ki DEF. It will also give you +20% KI for 3 minutes.

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