Monster Hunter World Steam Key

Monster Hunter World

Welcome to a new world! Take on the role of a hunter and slay ferocious monsters in a living, breathing ecosystem where you can use the landscape and its diverse inhabitants to get the upper hand.

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12 February, 2020 – CraigBGP Team

Face the terror when the Raging Brachydios and Angry Rajang come to PC in April

What's worse than a large creature? One that's always in a bad mood! Capcom are set to deliver another free update for Monster Hunter: Iceborne PC players which will include the "Raging Brachydios" and the "Angry Rajang" monsters. Both of which are set to offer players a tough encounter, but the Brachydios has a special place in the Monster Hunter universe as it was the species first made a debut in Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate. Will you be able to take on these angry beasts?

Both creatures will be available on PC in April.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJZBnLT8_ZQ

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