22 June, 2016 – CraigBGP Team

Overwatch - Competitive mode adds Golden Guns!

Get ready to wield shiny golden weapons in Overwatch as soon players who play in ranked mode will be able to get these pretty awesome looking boom sticks. These will only be available to the best of the best and casual players may never even be able to get these but for the dedicated it's an extra incentive to compete.

Each of the 21 heroes will have a golden version of their default weapon (and I say default they only have one anyway). For D.va she has golden machine guns and for McCree he has his Golden Revolver. Take a closer look at all the golden weapons coming soon!

McCree's Revolver

Junkrat's Grenade Launcher

Roadhog's Shotgun

Widowmaker's Sniper Rifle

Pharah's Rocket Launcher

Bastion in Tank Mode

Mercy's Blaster

Genji's Shurikens

Torbjörn's Rivet Gun

Reaper's Shotgun

Zarya's Particle Cannon

Reinhardt's Hammer

Symmetra's Photon Projector

Tracer's Gun

Zenyatta's Orb of Destruction

Bastion in Assault Mode

D.va's Pistol

Mercy's Staff

Lucio's Sonic Amplifier

Winston's Tesla Cannon

Soldier 76's Heavy Pulse Rifle

Genji's Dragonblade

Hanzo's Storm Bow

Torbjörn's Forge Hammer

Mei's Endothermic Blaster

D.va posing

Overwatch will launch the competitive mode later this month and will allow players to get exclusive Skins and Rewards for partaking in the ranked mode. Are you up for the challenge? Players can download the PTR right now to jump in and start collecting their rewards (but these will not carry over to the live game).

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_jJWcns_RQ8

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