28 September, 2016 – CraigBGP Team

Forerunners : The History Of The PC Side-Scroller

Before the FPS genre exploded there was the platformer, with games like Super Mario Bros paving the way for other games it was down to id Software who would try to recreate that technology on PC. After making a demo based on the Super Mario Bros game they would eventually make the tech (which they could license out) they set out to create games like, Commander Keen, Monster Bash and others.

In this brand new documentary from 3D Realms we're going back in time with creators Cliff Blezinski (Jazz Jackrabbit), John Romero (Dangerous Dave), Tom Hall (Commander Keen) and more developers from the industry. Additionally Apogee games, who have created some classic titles such as Hocus Pocus, Blake Stone, Commander Keen, Duke Nukem II, Crystal Caves and more, have successfully Kickstarted their upcoming project Rad Rodgers will see a return to the retro 90's platformer.

Rad Rodgers will be released around February 2017 (though it may be pushed back) for PC and PS4. Other platforms such as Xbox One, Mac and Linux may be added later.

What platformers did you play growing up?

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xY_BumEWBA

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