02 December, 2016 – CraigBGP Team

GamesPlanet Advent Weekend #2 Sale Guide

Wrap up with our Winter Deals!

We're back with another festive weekend, bringing you even more sweet presents to unwrap as Christmas approaches like Rudolf in the middle of the night! We've got plenty more up our sleeves and some incredible deals await you this weekend. Each weekend from now until Christmas we'll be bringing you a set of deals fit for the festive period as incredible prices! You'd be crackers to miss out ;)

This week we're becoming Assassins, looking for the Truth, taking down Aliens and becomnig a badass in the Wild West. Let's see what we have in store!

South Park: The Stick of Truth

Ah South Park, I'll be honest here I used to watch it when it first aired on TV and eventually I stopped watching it for one reason or another. It wasn't until I heard about this game coming from the guys over at Obsidian Entertainment that I got really excited about the series again, games in the franchise were not the best and we've had some really bad South Park games. Luckily though this was not the case for Stick of Truth as it managed what the others could not, a chance to experience a game that played like a season of the show. You play as the new kid in town, as you travel the town you'll meet beloved characters such as Mr. Hankey, Chef, Jimbo, Santa, Randy Marsh and course you still have the original gang of Kyle, Cartman, Stan and Kenny. Gameplay is turn based combat with some RPG elements, you can even use allies to help you in battle (such as Kenny riding a magical unicorn into battle). While the combat does become a little lacking and the game isn't long, the story and humour is what keeps this game great.

One for anyone that's ever seen a South Park episode and laughed, doesn't even matter if you haven't seen the series in years (though it might help for some of the characters). There is also a sequel coming early next year and can be pre-ordered right now for a free copy of Stick of Truth + The Towelie Pre-order character bonus :)

Go fetch the Stick of Truth today for 75% off!

Assassin's Creed 2

When I first played the series I started with the original Assassin's Creed, I ended up buying Assassin's Creed 2 while still playing the game. Eventually I gave up with the original so I could move onto the second game, from the moment I was thrown into the game I could tell something was special - a quality the first one lacked in some way. You play as Ezio Auditore da Firenze, a young Italian noble who suffers tragedy and is forced into becoming an assassin to avenge his family. Being set in the city of Italy during the 15th century makes things rich in history and art, famous faces such as Leonardo da Vinci offer help and may give you some upgrades to help you out on the way. The city is a sandbox filled with plenty to do, from finding feathers to exploring hidden assassin's tombs. It's also the first time I felt connected to the character, Ezio is an interesting character and this is the first step in his journey, some would argue Brotherhood may be the better game but for me this is the best in the series, second only to Black Flag. If you want to start anywhere in the franchise, start here.

It's available here for 50% off, we also have the entire franchise on sale for up to 67% off too!

Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag

Black Flag is one of the best in the franchise, like Assassin's Creed 2 it features interesting characters, great gameplay and a massive open world including for the first time ever the ability to have ship combat to do battle on the open waters. Edward Kenway gets drawn into the world of pirates, assassins and templars as he travels the open sea. So much has gone into creating this, you can deep dive for treasure, explore hidden coves, hunt animals (including Great White Sharks) and even build your own fleet to use in sea battles. Fighting other ships feels refreshing, you still get the usual things in the series such as hunting down targets to kill, solving puzzles but it's quite a moment being at sea with your crew singing a shanty as they charge into battle. It's not just one of the best in the franchise, it's to me the best pirate game ever to be created, if you ever wanted to be a pirate this is the best way to experience that life.

Walk the plank this way towards the game for up to 50% off, we also have the entire franchise on sale for up to 67% off too!

Assassin's Creed Syndicate

I've played most of the Assassin's Creed games over the years with 2 being my favourite and Black Flag coming a close second. Syndicate took what I loved about both of those games and mixed them together, it had great characters, a great open world London to explore complete with grappling around from rooftop to rooftop and enjoyable missions. That's not to say it didn't have flaws like most of the titles in the series it did suffer from being a bit repetitive - would be great if Ubisoft took a little time out from making it a yearly franchise. All in all though it was easily my 3rd favourite from the series and something even those burnt out by previous entries will adore, hopefully we'll see the Frye twins in another title!

Get it here for 50% off, we also have the entire franchise on sale for up to 67% off as well!

Call of Juarez: Gunslinger

Imagine if you had a western mixed with Max Payne, the end result would be Call of Juarez: Gunslinger. The game is pure arcade action and is one of the best western games ever created, up there with the likes of Red Dead Redemption. You play as Silas Greaves, a bounty hunter that tells tales of his adventures and the encounters he's had to face. Along the way you might encounter Billy the Kidd or even Jesse James, each one might end up a showdown where the fastest gun wins - sadly this might be the worst thing about the game is the duels, they can be a little tricky and at times it might take you a while to win any.

There is also an arcade mode for extra fun where you can compete on leaderboards against friends, these are short bursts of action but are so rewarding and makes a break from the story mode (which isn't very long but it doesn't matter). I can easily recommend this for anyone that's a fan of shooters or someone that wants a good western game on PC. This is probably the best PC gamers are going to get until we see a Red Dead Redemption title appear on it.

Call of Juarez: Gunslinger can be yours today for 50% off!

And that's our guide for this week, hopefully you've discovered a hidden gem you didn't know about previously. Be sure to check back next week for even more great deals! Remember this is a small taster of deals and you should check out the full list on our Advent Weekend Promo Page.

Score: 1

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