27 January, 2017 – CraigBGP Team

Marvel and Square Enix team up to produce a multi-game, multi-year deal. Starting with The Avengers Project!.

Woah where did this come from, Square Enix and Marvel Entertainment have just unveiled The Avengers Project, which will be a collection of various games being created between both companies in order to reach a wider array of fans. The first game which will be co-created between Crystal Dynamics and Eidos-Montréal will be a completely new original story which will setup a new universe for games that can work much like the Marvel movies do.

It is nice to see the Tomb Raider and Deus Ex teams coming together to tackle a Marvel game though, have to say it's exciting times. Let's hope they can do a better job than recent Avengers games ;)

Now when do we get a Hulk game? Details will be coming in 2018, but for now get your first look at a brief glimpse of what players can expect (I say brief because it doesn't really feature anything).

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rq_V6WHSmQs

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