16 March, 2017 – CraigBGP Team

Overwatch - New Hero Orisa Arriving March 21st!

Orisa who was announced last week will be arriving in Overwatch on March 21st, she'll be a tank hero that has elements of Zarya/Ana and Reinhardt. Packing some serious weaponry such as her Protective Barrier which can be thrown down anywhere to cover allies from harm.

She also has her ultimate ability the Supercharger, which when activated will throw down a massive drum that can damage boost allies that are in line of sight of it. Enemies will be able to kill it though so use with caution and be aware of surroundings!

Currently she's available for testing on the PTR so if you can't wait until the 21st go try her today ;)

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znEHH68unzA

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