23 March, 2017 – CraigBGP Team

Overwatch - Orisa Hero Now Playable

Meet Orisa, the latest hero to join the ranks of Overwatch! She was an omnic peacekeeper built to protect the people of Numbani and has powerful abilities like a shield that can protect others (much like Reindhardt) and a deadly automatic projectile cannon which slows her while firing but packs a punch to enemies.

Orisa's Ultimate ability will allow friendly players that are in line of sight to gain a damager boost, but be warned as it can be taken out by the enemy team. As a tank hero she can take quite a bit of damage in order to charge forward and push your team to victory!

She is now available for all players of the game on PC, Xbox One and PS4.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNBmyM6Ievc

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