Ravenswatch Steam Key


Fallen heroes of old folk tales and legends: you are on the verge of a crucial battle against the Nightmare invading and corrupting your world. A roguelike action game by the creators of Curse of the Dead Gods©, playable solo or in online co-op.

Windows PC  Action
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01 October, 2024 – RafalMGP Team

Ravenswatch: Fairytale roguelite comes of age with the 1.0 update

After a year and a half of development in early access, Ravenswatch is finally spreading its wings with version 1.0. This release marks the culmination of the hard work of Passtech Games and Nacon, offering players a roguelite (playable in co-op) set in a reimagined fairy tale universe.

Version 1.0 brings a host of exciting new features: the addition of Carmilla as a playable character, endgame content with a final boss, skins to customize your heroes, achievements to unlock, and over 15 new talents for the characters. The developers have also enhanced the user experience with improved voice chat, better social features, and an overall balance review based on community feedback.

To celebrate this launch, Ravenswatch is currently 30% off on Gamesplanet, both for the Standard Edition and the Supporter Edition. The latter includes the full game, exclusive skin packs, the original soundtrack, and a digital artbook.

Early access players are not forgotten: they will receive the "Fairytales" skin pack for free as a thank you for their support. Passtech Games has already promised post-launch support, with balance fixes, new content, and new playable heroes.

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