Star Wars Battlefront II Origin (Direct)

Star Wars Battlefront II

Experience rich and living Star Wars multiplayer battlegrounds across all three eras: prequel, classic, and new trilogy. Customise and upgrade your heroes, starfighters, or troopers, each with unique abilities to exploit in battle. You can become the master of your own Star Wars hero's journey.

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16 April, 2017 – CraigBGP Team

Star Wars Battlefront II Coming November 17th, Full Length Reveal Trailer included!

It's finally here, the long awaited full length reveal trailer for the next chapter in the Star Wars Battlefront​ saga is coming later this year! Experience the untold story of Star Wars as you play Stromtrooper Iden Versio, who must avenge the fallen Emperor in a new single player experience that takes place between the 30 year gap between Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens! You will also be able to play as Luke Skywalker and Kylo Ren during the campaign (though it's unclear how this will unfold).

Plus, Space Battles will be returning and will offer fans a chance to get behind X-Wings and Tie Fighters as they battle it out above planets. If that wasn't enough, the multiplayer is being overhauled and is going to include more progression and leveling. We've been promised that the game will spread out among all 3 eras of movie, from prequel, to classic and current - with a pre-order bonus offering a glimpse at Last Jedi hero content!

Star Wars Battlefront II is coming to PC, Xbox One and PS4 on November 17th and if you can't wait that long, you can get your hands on the original game for £12.99 (48% off) today!

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kae-JjbLsgA

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