Styx: Master of Shadows Steam Key

Styx: Master of Shadows

Sneak, steal and assassinate your way through as Styx, a Goblin two-centuries of age.

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10 June, 2016 – CraigBGP Team

E3 2016 - Styx: Shards of Darkness- E3 Trailer

The centuries-old goblin assassin Styx returns in a new stealth game, Styx: Shards of Darkness, with a bigger budget, bigger ideas, and a new engine: Unreal 4. Master of Shadows was a valiant exploration into the world of the green goblin thief, but in Shards of Darkness, delve deeper into a more complex narrative and fully realized world.

Take a look at this brand new trailer ahead of E3 showcasing off some of what the goblin will get up to in his new title, no release date is given yet but Styx: Shards of Darkness is expected to release sometime in 2016 so hopefully we won't have to wait much longer.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zm4M-n6l4dI

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