The second in a trilogy and sequel to the award-winning Total War: WARHAMMER, Total War: WARHAMMER II brings players a breathtaking new narrative campaign, set across the vast continents of Lustria, Ulthuan, Naggaroth and the Southlands. The Great Vortex Campaign builds pace to culminate in a def...
Hi. I purchased earlier today. Didn't see anything about the bonus DLC listed in my Steam library. Was that included?
Yes, Norsca DLC is for the original Total War: WARHAMMER. It will show up under the DLC tab for that game. If you do not have that currently it will appear when you buy the game later :)
replyK, thanks
replyIt's asking for a shipping address when I try to buy here in the States, doesn't it just email me a steam key?
replyNot sure why you're seeing that, yes it's a digital code that will get added to your Gamesplanet account. Email us [email protected] if you want us to help you with the issue.
What payment method are you using?
replyhow much time do i have to wait until the review is done?
replyThat's done now, please note we reached out to you but you did not reply :)
replyCheaper than anywhere in the EU ... payed here around 44 euros, in other parts are 50 respectively 60 euros ... nice services btw, instant ... and it works flawlessly :))
replyWe do our best to get great prices for everyone, hope you enjoy the game!
replySorry, so I bought the key, but I could not activate it as it is not available in my country, so is there a refund or other arrangements could be done? the key has not been used
replyThank you so much
Sure we can refund you, please be aware of region locks in the future though (under the screenshots) to avoid it happening again!
replyTotal War: WARHAMMER II - EARLY ADOPTER BONUS still available?
replymy understanding is that Total War: WARHAMMER II - EARLY ADOPTER BONUS applies for the first week of release
replyI just got mine, so I guess yes :D
replyif i am from israel will it work?
replyYes :)