For the first time in the video game history, climb aboard Grendizer the Legendary Robot and fight the forces of evil to defend our planet Earth!
Unlock the first Grendizer upgrade
Get a legendary material
As Koji, survive your first encounter with Vega's saucers.
Take down the Girugiru Saucer Beast
Take down the Gamegame Saucer Beast.
Take down the Gorugoru Saucer Beast
Take down the Domudomu Saucer Beast
Take down the Damdam Saucer Beast
Take down the Daldal Saucer Beast
Die for the first time.
Unlock Space Thunder.
Unlock Double Harken
Unlock Screw Crusher Punch
Discover a place of meditation
Discover a legendary chest
Change your appearance for the first time
Pull off 100 perfect dodges
Find 250 resources
Take down the Gingin Saucer Beast
Defeat 300 Vega
Find all the places to meditate in
Get a total of 10000 GreenEarth points
Find all the legendary chests
Find all Royal Guard symbols
Get all the Saucer Beast Plans from Vega facilities
Unlock all of Grendizer's upgrades
Find all stadiums, golden toriis, Danbei's cows and Grendiner menus