Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Steam Key

Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3

Marvel and Capcom join forces to deliver the most frenetic 3 vs. 3 tag battles ever with Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3.

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21 January, 2017 – CraigBGP Team

Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 coming to PC March 7th!

Capcom have announced that Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 will be making it's debut on March 7th for PC, after re-releasing on PS4 last month the classic fighting game which pits teams of Marvel and Capcom against one another will finally make it's way to other platforms.

The game has been a really positive thing when it first came out way back in 2011 for PS3 and Xbox 360, includes 48 of the most popular Capcom/Marvel characters ever created including Iron Man, Spider-Man, The Hulk, Thor, Ryu, Mega-Man, Viewtiful Joe and many more!

Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 will be heading to PC on March 7th.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KctMDsHVF8

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