Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide Steam Key

Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide

Vermintide is an epic co-operative action combat adventure set in the End Times of the iconic Warhammer Fantasy world.

Windows PC  Action
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26 May, 2016 – CraigBGP Team

Patch 1.3 Released!

Patch 1.3

A brand new patch has been deployed in preparation for the upcoming Drachenfels DLC - an expansion to the map which features 3 brand new levels for Adventure Mode, 2 new weapons, Quality of Life changes and plenty of bug fixes to shake a monkey's tail at.


New Features
Introducing the Drachenfels DLC!

Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide Drachenfels

  • New Level: Castle Drachenfels
  • New Level: Summoner’s Peak
  • New Level: Dungeons
  • New Weapon: Glaive (Wood Elf Waywatcher)
  • New Weapon: Volley Crossbow (Witch Hunter)
  • New Pickup: Torch. Obtainable on Dungeons to traverse dark areas
  • New Level Feature: Spike Traps
  • New Level Feature: The Darkness
  • 3 New Achievements

Feature Changes

  • The Map has been expanded: Prepare to travel outside of Ubersreik!
  • Added a new Fire particle effect for Bombs
  • Redesigned Lobby Browser
  • AFK-detection no longer triggers during End of Level screen
  • Chat can now be scrolled using PgUp & PgDn keys
  • Chat text size can now be changed
  • Chat can now be disabled: Notifications such as Player Joined, Left etc will still be shown
  • The F1 key can now be rebound
  • Enabled Pixel Snapping when running on 1920x1080 or above: This should make certain UI elements sharper
  • Ammo Amount is now shown for ranged weapons in the Inventory
  • Added an option for Overcharge Opacity
  • Added an option for swapping Gamepad icons between Xbox or Playstation look
  • Updated automatic hardware detection in launcher
  • Improved the push distance of Devastating Blow

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed crash: bad argument #2 to ‘distance_squared’
  • Fixed crash: rpc_sync_interaction_state
  • Fixed a crash related to Gutter Runners losing their target
  • Fixed a crash in the damage system
  • Fixed a crash in the lobby browser
  • Fixed a locomotion crash
  • Fixed a spawn manager crash
  • Fixed a crash related to health bars
  • Fixed a death zone crash
  • Fixed an exploit on The Fall
  • Fixed an error with German localization in Shrine of Solace
  • Fixed a bug where the Fireball Staff effect could be seen floating beside the staff
  • Fixed a bug where footstep sounds weren’t always playing correctly
  • Fixed an issue with Rat Ogre pathing
  • Fixed a bug where enemies could spawn further away than intended
  • Fixed an issue with enemies hitting through floors and walls
  • Fixed a bug where Stormvermin Patrols could get stuck
  • Reworked end of level flow to solve issue with game not ending
  • Fixed an achievement bug
  • Fixed a resolution issue when UI not correctly scaled
  • Fixed a bug where players could respawn with an incorrect amount of health
  • Fixed a bug where sorting of Damage Taken in End of Level screen was inverted
  • Fixed a bug where UI hints could get stuck on the screen
  • Fixed an issue where rebinding Chat to left mouse button would make it impossible to use menus
  • Fixed an area in The Enemy Below where you could end up outside the level
  • Fixed a bug where changing the Weapon Switch Scroll Type to Off in gameplay settings and reopening the menu would show an incorrect string as the option
  • Fixed an issue where the Bright Wizard Overcharge meters were slightly uneven
  • Fixed a respawn point on Garden of Morr
  • Fixed a bug where the Defeat screen could show up whilst starting a level
  • Fixed a localization bug in the Forge
  • Removed a hole in the ground where you could get stuck on Engines of War
  • Fixed a location where Rat Ogres could get stuck on Engines of War
  • Fixed an issue where players could respawn in an unreachable location on Engines of War
  • Fixed a graphical artifact when holding any key during the intro cinematic
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when entering and exiting inventory quickly
  • Fixed a bug where Stormvermin would attempt to swing through walls
  • Fixed a bug where the matchmaking UI could get stuck if you readied up quickly after closing a menu
  • Fixed a bug where the Innkeeper’s head could magically disappear
  • Fixed an odd hole on Town Meeting
  • Fixed an exploit on Town Meeting
  • Fixed another exploit on Town Meeting
  • Fixed a lighting issue on Town Meeting
  • Fixed a location which bots couldn’t reach on Town Meeting
  • Fixed an issue where you could see through part of the world on Supply and Demand
  • Fixed a bug where enemies could spawn under the floor on Supply and Demand
  • Fixed a bug where the ground was misplaced in a location on Supply and Demand
  • Fixed an exploit on Supply and Demand
  • Fixed an issue where a table could magically disappear on Supply and Demand
  • Fixed an exploit on Horn of Magnus
  • Fixed a culling issue on Garden of Morr
  • Fixed an odd hole on Garden of Morr
  • Fixed a location where you could get stuck on Garden of Morr
  • Fixed an issue where players were unable to pass through a specific area on Garden of Morr
  • Fixed a bug where enemies could spawn in the starting zone on Garden of Morr
  • Fixed a bug where certain objects would magically disappear on Garden of Morr
  • Fixed a stretched texture bug on Garden of Morr
  • Fixed a bug where you could get stuck in the maze on Garden of Morr
  • Fixed an issue where you could fall through the world on Garden of Morr
  • Fixed a culling issue on Smuggler’s Run
  • Fixed some rocks that were defying gravity, also a skull
  • Fixed some minor glitches with Empire Soldier and Waywatcher models
  • Fixed a bug where the backend would occasionally return an invalid ticket error
  • Fixed a bug with the chaining of certain heavy attacks
  • Fixed a bug where Ratling gunners would fire into walls whilst tracking their target despite not having line of sight
  • Fixed a crash which could occur when opening a chest
  • Fixed a bug where Trueflight arrows had trouble hitting their target
  • Fixed a crash with the Trueflight bow

Source: http://steamcommunity.com/games/235540/announcements/detail/805395467339924010

Score: 1

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