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Syberia Pack Steam Key

Syberia Pack - Cover / Packshot
Syberia Pack - Cover / Packshot
  • Genre: Adventure
  • Rating: (32)
  • System: Windows PC
  • Languages: German, English, French, Spanish, Italian, Polish, Japanese
  • Delivery: Steam Key
  • Publisher: Microids
£12.49 -79% £2.68 Add to Cart Availability: in stock

Delivery: Steam Key

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Other versions Syberia Pack

Syberia II £9.99 -87% £1.31
Syberia £9.99 -87% £1.31

Description of Syberia Pack

Buy Syberia Pack as a Steam key at

Includes both Syberia and Syberia 2:


The strange and eerie funeral from the opening scene is that of Anna Voralberg, the last remaining member of the Voralberg family, once famed for their Voralberg Toy Company of mechanical wind-up toys. As Kate Walker, a New York lawyer representing the modern Universal Toy Company, you came to Valadilene to complete the buy out of the antiquated Voralberg company. However just upon your arrival you discovered that the funeral you just witnessed is for the very woman who was supposed to close the deal of the company buy-out.

With Anna deceased you investigate into the Voralberg family and discover a man by the name of Hans Voralberg, the sole remaining heir. You set out to track this man and soon find yourself immersed in a tale of mystery and intrigue. As it is with any successful adventure game, the atmosphere of the world is of utmost importance in bringing out the story and making the world come to life.

The puzzles throughout the game are not exceedingly difficult but they present a good challenge. You will be so engrossed in the game that before you know it, you will be watching the last ending sequence and wishing for more.

Syberia 2

Syberia II comes straight back with the perfect, moving atmosphere of the first opus, giving new locations to explore, all at your own pace and without pushing your brains out of your ears.

After the outing in Syberia this time around you will be exploring the cold east, the last pieces of civilisation before the cold north. You'll be passing through the great Youkol village before working your way through to the great Syberia... As before the story and the adventure are put into play with some of the best looking backdrops that you'll ever see in a video game, and with puzzles that are logical and inspiring, without being too hard but still giving you that glow of achievement when completed.

Praised by fans of the genre, the Syberia games put an accent on their great storylines as well as their deep characters and the reflection of today's world with it's excesses and contradictions.

Syberia II's story plays through like a good book or a good film; you'll always be wanting to know more about these people that you'll feel closer to every minute you play.

One game that truly has its place in the heart of the adventure game genre, Benoit Sokal's Syberia games are an immediate hit across the board.

As of January 1 2024, Steam will officially stop supporting the Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 operating systems. After that date, the Steam Client will no longer run on those versions of Windows. Source: Steam

System Requirements Syberia Pack

Windows Minimal

RAM: 64 MB
Graphics: 16 MB



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  • Single-Player
  • Steam Trading Cards

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