A Street Cat's Tale 2 follows Cinnamon, who wanders out the window in pursuit of a butterfly. It is a Sokoban-based, narrative-led puzzle adventure game about the struggles of stray cats.
Adventure / Arcade & IndieChapter 1 completed.
Chapter 2 completed.
Chapter 3 completed.
Chapter 4 completed.
Chapter 5 completed.
Chapter 6 completed.
Chapter 7 completed.
Chapter 8 completed.
Chapter 9 completed.
Chapter 10 completed.
All NPC Intimacy maxed out.
Pushed boxes 10 times.
Pushed boxes 30 times.
Pushed boxes 50 times.
Reached Upgrade Level 2.
All Upgrades complete.
Cinnamon died.
Consumed 50 Big Chunks of Meat.
All Sewer Shortcuts unlocked.
Collected 50 coins.
Eliminated 50 enemies.
Unlocked all Stores.
Total War: WARHAMMER III - Omens of Destruction
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle