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Assassin's Creed Syndicate Ubisoft Connect

Assassin's Creed Syndicate

London, 1868. The Industrial Revolution unleashes an incredible age of invention, transforming the lives of millions with technologies once thought impossible.

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29 November, 2016 – CraigBGP Team

Assassin’s Creed Movie - "Enter the Animus" Clip

We may have to wait until the end of next year to get our hands on the next Assassin's Creed game, but fans won't have to wait that long as Assassin's Creed the movie hits UK Cinemas on January 1st (or December for most other countries). In this...

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16 August, 2016 – CraigBGP Team

Assassin’s Creed Movie - The Leap of Faith

Stunt work in movies is never a walk in the park (or games for that matter), so when you take one of the most iconic moments in an Assassin’s Creed game (the Leap of Faith) you'd expect that to be recreated digitally. As it turns out one lucky (or...

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12 May, 2016 – CraigBGP Team

Assassin's Creed The Movie - Trailer

It's finally here, the trailer for one of the most popular franchises in recent years. Set in 15th Century Spain, it stars Michael Fassbender who is playing the character Callum Lynch. Not much is known about this character except the trailer...

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22 November, 2015 – CraigBGP Team

Gamesplanet Review Round Up: Assassin’s Creed Syndicate

One game, two Assassins. Another year, another Asssasin's Creed game. Assassin's Creed Syndicate follows up from last years disappointing Assassin's Creed Unity with a better story and some new gameplay mechanics. Set in 1868 Victorian London you...

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