Explore the vibrant planet of Gliese, once inhabited by an ancient race, and now home to their sentient creations – the Diokek. After the ancients’ disappearance, the Diokek lived in peace until malevolent creatures, the Hiltsik, started wreaking havoc among their settlements.
RPG (Roleplay)Defeat 50 enemies with the sword
Defeat 200 enemies with the sword
Defeat 50 enemies with the gauntlets
Defeat 200 enemies with the gauntlets
Defeat 50 enemies with the hammer
Defeat 200 enemies with the hammer
Defeat 50 enemies with the spear
Defeat 200 enemies with the spear
Perform 10 parries
Perform 100 parries
Open your first chest
Pickup your first runic shard
Buy your first ability
Open all chests
Buy all the sword abilities
Buy all the gauntlets abilities
Buy all the hammer abilities
Buy all the spear abilities
Buy all the abilities for all the weapons
Collect all runic shards
Buy all the upgrades
Complete all the challenges
Complete all achievements