As a human border agent, you begin a new role as a booth operator at an AI travel border. Interact and check over a variety of robots as they try to get through security.
Disappoint the Jerk
Toast some bread
Cause a fire with the toaster
Plant the signal duck
Order something from the employe catalogue
Get Ending A
Get Ending B
Get Ending C
Finish a day in first place and with no mistakes
Don't move
Don't press the red button
Have a robot timeout at the end of a shift
Mouse bots stopped
Get a job
Finish act 1
Finish act 2
Unlock every achievement
Wave to a robot
Plant an object in a compartment
Save Max from Bernies trap
Recover a lost item
Watch every news report
Buy everything in the shop
Buy your first booth upgrade
Process 4 robots correctly in a minute
Press the red button
Survive the booth malfunction
Help out the Mob
Rank up
Achieve Rank 5
Achieve Max Rank
Print your first Robot
Set your first Robot on fire
Use inspection mode for the first time
Throw something in the bin
Scan your first robot
Remove and replace a badge
Detain a most wanted robot
Make A Robot Sad
Hang up your first poster
Place your first decoration