Our adversaries tonight? An unscrupulous group of scoundrels and rogues, rumoured to possess an unlimited fund between them. If we stick to the strategies you’ve learnt, this will be a walkover." - Comte de Saint-Germain
Pull off the first scam of your journey.
Earn every Strategy Card in the game.
Hold on to 1500 coins.
Increase the bet at least twice.
Fail every technique at least once.
Die in 6 different ways.
Spare money for the camp fund.
Finish the game without losing a single round.
Encounter every character in the game.
Complete 3 card tosses in a row.
Win 7 tables in a row.
Find the Queen in the introduction to Three Card Monte.
Toast yourself.
Inspect all the paintings in Belle's workshop.
Perfectly time your deal.
Put the Red Lion in a cage.
Replay the game after finishing it.
Correct one of your shuffling mistakes.
Beat Card Shark's tester's time (2:12:40).
Complete the last tutorial of the game.
Turn the bandits against each other.
Master the Ineffective Shuffle.