Step right up and play the game where everyone’s a winner! From the creator of Carnival Games, Cat Daddy Games and 2K bring the fun and entertainment from this successful franchise into virtual reality.
Earn a three star performance in every game in Cowpoke Corral
Earn a three star performance in every game in Wizards Walkway
Earn a three star performance in every game in Gizmo Grove
Earn a three star performance in every game in Sports Station
Own all of the prizes
Throw an object at the Barker and four park patrons
Cows and aliens go together like peanut butter and tuna
Get the draw on the Cowbot
Take down the Red Ninja using the tools of his trade
Feed something sweet to the Hoopinator
Banish the Dragon out of the playroom while armed with the Sword and Shield
Have both monkeys going through gopher holes at the same time
Shoot a prize as it pops out of a gopher hole
Bounce a bear between two trampolines
Throw the Rocket Ship higher than the Moon
Bounce the Bouncy Ball on the Foam Hand three times
Earn a three star performance in every game in Jurassic Junction
Earn a three star performance in every game in Cosmic Corner