Destiny 2 (Free to Play) Battle.net Key

Destiny 2 (Free to Play)

You will venture to mysterious, unexplored worlds of our solar system to discover an arsenal of weapons and devastating new combat abilities. To defeat the Red Legion and confront Ghaul, you must reunite humanity’s scattered heroes, stand together, and fight back to reclaim our home.

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Gamesplanet Avatar
Showel 1 0

Oh my... Did you send that from the future? :)

Thanks for the info.

Gamesplanet Avatar
CraigBGP Team 1 0

Yes from the Future.

Gamesplanet Avatar
Pesokakula 1 0

Hey Craig, first thanks for your service mate!
Any new news when we get our keys?

Gamesplanet Avatar
CraigBGP Team 3 0

Should be soon, waiting on Bungie/Activision :)

Preload still has yet to go live.

Gamesplanet Avatar
Pesokakula 1 0

Thanks a lot, your the best! :D


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