First Class Trouble is a party game where players must work together and against each other to survive a disaster. The goal is to shut down a deadly A.I. Some players are impostors, secretly playing as human-looking killer robots intent on betraying the other players.
Complete your first match
Win five matches
Get everyone in a full match to distrust you
Get everyone in a full lobby to trust you
Dance with at least 2 players near the jukebox
Enjoy the beverage cart.
Put out 50 fires with the water pistol
Kill 4 players with one Chandelier
As Personoid, win by saving CAIN
Hand in all three keycards in a single area
Sabotage 3 Oxygen Generators in a single game
Use a scanner on a Personoid and get killed within 20 seconds
Use a scanner on a player, causing their death to occur within the next 20 seconds
Take the escape pod as the last resident alive
Kill all the Residents with an Overdose Syringe
Play the Botanical Gardens level 10 times
Play the Personoid Quarters level 10 times
Repair 50 computers in the Personoid Quarters level