Research new technology, design starships, and colonize new worlds.
Play for 5 hours across all games
Play for 100 hours across all games
Play for 1000 Hours
Start the campaign
Win the campaign
Win as the Altarian
Win as the Iridium
Win as the Drengin
Win as the Iconian
Win as the Krynn
Win as the Terran
Win as the Thalan
Win as the Yor
Win by Conquest
Win by Cultural Influence
Win by Diplomacy
Ascension victory
Technology Victory
Win in Multiplayer
Win on an Insane sized map
Win as a Custom Faction
Win a game in under 200 turns
Colonize your first planet
Create your first ship design
Meet your first Race in Galactic Civilizations III
Ally with first other major faction
Own 30 planets
Recapture your homeworld
Unlock all the Benevolent ideology traits
Unlock all the Pragmatic ideology traits
Unlock all the Malevolent ideology traits
Use a Worm Hole
Survey an anomaly in a dust cloud or nebula
Have 12 or more Trade Routes
Collect 15 Anomalies in a game
Control all Relics on the map
Destroy an Enemy Faction
Destroy the Iconian faction, as the Yor
As the Iconians, take back Iconia (Yor's starting homeworld) from the Yor
Declare war before you have Universal Translator
Use Core Detonation invasion 10 times in one game
Be at war with 5 different factions at the same time
Win a Battle
Destroy more than 15 enemy ships in a battle
Destroy more than 7 Pirate bases
Win as Arceans
Win as Torians
Complete the Mercenaries campaign
Win as Snathi
Complete the Snathi Campaign
Complete the Rise of the Terrans campaign
Complete the Altarian Prophecy Campaign
Win Game playing the Terran Resistance.
Win Game playing the Onyx Hive.
Win Game playing the Slyne.
Complete the Crusade Tutorial.
Train your first Citizen.
Promote your first Specialist.
Place a spy on a foreign colony.
Conquer a planet defended by enemy Legions.
Unleash a custom Civilization on the Galaxy.
Create a commonwealth
Form a government
Change your government type
Change your tax slider for one turn
Lower your taxes to 0% for one turn
Raise your taxes to 100% for one turn
Buy at least one resource on the marketplace
Sell at least one resource on the marketplace
Buy at least 10 resources at once
Sell at least 10 resources at once
Buy at least 30 resources at once
Sell at least 30 resources at once
Successfully complete a Crisis
Assign a Crisis manager
Win an Election
Win an Election with a landslide majority
Complete "Apophis" Crisis
Complete "Rogue General" Crisis
Complete "Secession" Crisis
Complete "Space Monster" Crisis
Complete "The Revolution" Crisis
Complete "The Simulation" Crisis
Complete "Brain Parasites" Crisis
Complete "Brain Trust" Crisis
Win as the Mu'Kay
Win as Mowlings
Win as Free Trandals
Win as the Tywom
Use an Artifact Power
Use 20 Artifact Powers in a single game
Build a hypergate
Build a hyperlane
Build 20 hyperlanes in a single game
Use the spore weapon
Win as Drath
Win as Korath
Win the Retribution campaign
Win as Xraki
Win as Measured
Win as Scryve
Win as Phamysht