The God of Rock has gathered the universe’s greatest musicians to clash for musical supremacy. Battle to the beat by hitting notes in rhythm and unleash harmonic attacks against opponents in this competitive rhythm-fighting game hybrid.
During overtime score 40 flawless notes in a row in an online match
Win over 100 online matches
Reach over 200 Combo Streak
Deal over 50 damage in less than 8 seconds as Johann in an online match
Recover 100HP in an online match as Hilde
Play over 50 quickplay matches
Score a total of 1000 perfect or flawless
Have your opponents fall for Rosetta's trap notes a total of 50 times
Play through every song
Have Champ's meter fully charged for at least 5 seconds
Have 20 active bubbles during Queen's Ultra
Leave your opponent dizzy for at least 8 seconds as Ziggy
During Ollie's Trick Combo reach at least a 5x combo streak
Execute a Reversal on your opponent's Reversal
Reach 80 Combo Streak
Win a match against a 'God of Rock' tier AI
Perform a total of 50 Reversals
Complete all tutorials
Create a custom beatmap
Play an online match with a custom beatmap
Win a match against any AI tier
Play 25 matches in Quickplay
Use the full extent of King's Light of Grace at least 3 times in a match
Win a match with every character
Use and alternate between Kosaku's Fire and Ice attacks 2 times in a row
Only use the charged version of Tophat's special moves during a match
Reach 40 Combo Streak
Execute a Reversal during a match
Win an online match