You're Henry, the son of a blacksmith. Thrust into a raging civil war, you watch helplessly as invaders storm your village and slaughter your friends and family. Narrowly escaping the brutal attack, you grab your sword to fight back. Avenge the death of your parents and help repel the invading fo...
Become addicted to alcohol.
Don't sleep for two days and nights.
Be stuffed to bursting for two days.
Starve for three days.
Read twenty books.
Brew fifteen types of potion
Kill twenty enemies by stealth
Bag fifty game animals.
Level up Speech to maximum.
Be popular in every town and village.
Complete all quests.
Kill 200 people.
Discover all locations on the map.
Win the Talmberg horse race.
Walk more than 50 Km.
Find all wayside shrines and conciliatory crosses.
Steal things with a total value of 30,000 Groschen.
Reach maximum level.
Carry out 100 combos in combat.
Kill 50 enemies with headshots.
Save 2000 Groschen by haggling.
Hoard 5,000 Groschen.
Spend three days in prison.
Collect 10,000 herbs.
Win 1,000 Groschen in the dice minigame.
Complete the main story line.
Finish the game in Hardcore Mode.
Finish the game in Hardcore Mode with all negative perks.
Ensure the renewal of Pribyslavitz.
Make 2,000 Groschen a day from Pribyslavitz.
Get a complete set of armour from the Rattay tourney.
Complete Theresa's story.
Recover Pavel's treasure without being discovered.
See what Henslin has in his braies without being observed.
Have on your conscience every sin Johanka can think of.
The punishment fits the crime.