A mutant soap opera where small-town gossip meets the supernatural. Join Kai as she arrives in the mysterious community of Mutazione to care for her ailing grandfather. Discover scenic hangouts, magical gardens, new friends, and old secrets...
Arrive at Mutazione.
What are you supposed to do without lane ropes?
Ahoy m'hearties!
Did you imagine her?
Collect half of the seeds in Mutazione.
Collect three quarters of the seeds in Mutazione.
An almost complete collection of seeds.
Variety has something to do with it...
It's not right, but it sure looks cool.
If it's on a plate...
Environmentally friendly.
Environmentally BFF.
Hungry as heck.
Not all who wander are lost.
The velominati speaks.
Living close to nature.
Don't eat Biffalo Mozzarella before bed.
Papu hasn't bloomed in years, they say.
How does your garden grow?
A fine Mutazione tradition.