03 August, 2016 – CraigBGP Team

Pure Farming 17: The Simulator - Teaser Trailer

Well this came out of nowhere, after the hugely popular Dying Light from last year it appears Techland are busy working on something quit unexpected, get your first look at Pure Farming 17: The Simulator which will be fully unveiled at Gamescom in a few weeks.

“We realize there are a lot of farming sims out there already, but the more we looked the more we realized they all seemed to fall short on certain features or ideas that are actually integral in real farming,” says lead producer Kornel Jaskula in a statement. “And the fans have been saying this for years, telling developers what they would love to see included. With Pure Farming, we’re aiming to be the ones who deliver on what has been missing all these years.”

Is this a prank and something else is hidden behind this or are they actually doing a Farming Simulator game? We'll find out in a few weeks, would love for Zombies to make an appearance though!

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88k0WRsr_Y0

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