18 August, 2016 – CraigBGP Team

Gamescom 2016 - Highlights from the Show floor itself!

GamesCom 2016 has arrived, today marks the opening of the event to the public and people will finally be able to get their hands on some of the latest and upcoming titles, everything from Dishonored 2 to Battlefield 1 and beyond. It's one of the year's biggest gaming conventions set in the heart of Cologne Germany.

Can't make the event? Fear not as Gamesplanet arrived at the event to bring you some lovely pictures straight from the show floor, what surprises are in store for us this year and more importantly, how long will the queues be to play a game?

Gamescom 2016 Picture Gallery

Blizzard Entertainment brought some amazing statues to the event based on their most recent FPS Shooter Overwatch. As you can see Tracer, Winston, Widowmaker and even Reaper have made themselves a home at the Blizzard area, even Malthael from Diablo 3 got in on the action (perhaps he's related to Reaper?). They have a big prescence this year at Gamescom as games such as World of Warcraft, Diablo 3, Overwatch, Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm and StarCraft II are all playable at the event, including some exclusive content from all games that are making their public debut.

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