06 September, 2016 – CraigBGP Team

Mirage: Arcane Warfare - 12 Minutes of New Gameplay Footage from PAX West

Obliterate your enemies with powerful magic or silence them with a sword in Mirage: Arcane Warfare, a multiplayer FPS from the creators of Chivalry: Medieval Warfare. In this new gameplay video straight from PAX West we get a look at five of Mirage's six character classes in greater detail on the Bazaar and Sunken City maps, each one with it's own gameplay style - Sunken City focuses on Point Control while Bazaar is a 2 Stage Objective map.

Mirage is a skill-based multiplayer FPS that lets you tear your enemies limb from limb with destructive magic and melee combat. Experiment and find your perfect playstyle between six diverse classes including stealthy assassins, hulking brutes, powerful mages and more. With an unparalleled focus on truly feeling in control of your magic and sword, Mirage demands combat creativity and will challenge you like never before.

If you've played previous Torn Banner game Chivalry: Medieval Warfare then you'll have an idea of how the combat will be - though this looks to be mixing up the formula a bit more by adding magic.

You can signup for the upcoming closed Alpha as well by visiting the website right now!

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_M4P5qDV74

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