22 August, 2017 – CraigBGP Team

Final Fantasy XV Windows Edition coming to PC next year, with enhanced visuals and more!

Square Enix are bringing the PS4 open world RPG exclusive Final Fantasy 15 to PC next year, with improved graphic features and support for up to 8k resolutions.

Final Fantasy 15 arrived last year on PS4, and will soon be winging it's way to a new platform next year as it makes the jump to PC in Early 2018. Thanks to certain technologies from Nvidia, the game will support up to a crazy 8k resolution (though we don't know what the framerate would be) and push the visual quality even further to an already beautiful game. While PC requirements have yet to be revealed, it's likely that the engine will scale to support a range of hardware so even lower end machines can support a fluid 1080p 60 FPS experience - something that the console version is lacking as it's only limited to the standard 30 FPS on console.

Take a look at the gorgeous new trailer for the PC version of the game, as it comes with enhanced visuals thanks to Nvidia technologies such as Turf Effects and more!

NVIDIA’s senior vice president of GameWorks Rev Lebaredian was excited to share more about the kind of technology that we'll see within the PC Version of the game:

“Our goal is to help game developers deliver jaw-dropping gaming experiences by pushing the state of the art in graphics and physics technologies. With the integration of NVIDIA Flow, NVIDIA HairWorks, NVIDIA Hybrid Frustum Traced Shadows, NVIDIA Turf Effects, and NVIDIA Voxel Ambient Occlusion, we have helped Square Enix achieve their ultimate vision for FINAL FANTASY XV. But of course, this must be done in a production-oriented way, and supported with the engineering expertise necessary to make it feasible for developers.”

To help ease the project along, NVIDIA has provided Square Enix with help on-site to push the graphics even further and tweaking things to give the developers more freedom with the tools and allow them to meet their demands quicker.

Hajime Tabata was happy to be bringing the beloved entry in the series to PC for the very first time, as he talked about working with Nvidia on the project:

“With the help of NVIDIA, we are creating a stunning visual experience in FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION, one worthy of this beloved franchise. NVIDIA pushes the pace of innovation in our industry, and that benefits gamers and developers alike.”

Final Fantasy XV is coming to PC in Early 2018, while the PS4 version is available now and has already seen major acclaim from both press and fans alike!

Score: 1


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Gamesplanet Avatar
Cjclif 1 0

I hope so too! Hope the specs aren't so straining for 1080p60

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Cjclif 1 0

Can ports be trusted?... don't want another Nier Automata...

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CraigBGP Team 1 0

Some PC ports are great though, depends how easy the engine is to work with. Since they're working with Nvidia directly it should at least give a little comfort the port should at least be somewhat decent :D

I just wonder what FPS we'll get at 8k!


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