LIAR, I will not buy the game here just because you are a liar. I prefer to pay more but on another seller ...
EDIT: Ok, pound is decreasing, prices change. I withdraw my accusation that they lied.
I wish you good luck GP.
Keys are made available through your account only. But worry not, once the key will be there, we'll email you to make sure you can pick it up. So… You may F5 your account's dashboard every once in a while or simply wait for the notification email :)
I am from Malaysia, will I be able to activate this game in my country if I buy through gamesplanet? Reason I am asking is because the steam store page for Nier automata is not showing up for me which indicates region blocking.
This game unavailable in all Asia regions , if i bought it from here but the Steam wouldn't let me activate it, or the Steam blocked it from my library, wold I get a refund?
Is this the price that will stay for a while? Or is there a chance it will be lower closer to release?
replyIt won't change, this price is to stay.
replyLIAR, I will not buy the game here just because you are a liar. I prefer to pay more but on another seller ...
replyEDIT: Ok, pound is decreasing, prices change. I withdraw my accusation that they lied.
I wish you good luck GP.
In zone SEA stream can't search this game but if i buy in website.
replyWill key it to work in my stream?
You're in Thailand right? It should work then.
replyI am Chinese, I am here to buy nier can run in China?
replyHi, It should work yes.
replythank you
replyHi, I come from Thailand,
replyWill key it work in my country?
replyIt should be ok for you, the keys will be worldwide outside Russia and part of South America.
thank you
replyHi, how would I receive the key, by email? Or, I have to check my account frequently?
replyKeys are made available through your account only. But worry not, once the key will be there, we'll email you to make sure you can pick it up. So… You may F5 your account's dashboard every once in a while or simply wait for the notification email :)
replyI am from Malaysia, will I be able to activate this game in my country if I buy through gamesplanet? Reason I am asking is because the steam store page for Nier automata is not showing up for me which indicates region blocking.
replyGuess I replied to you on Facebook already :)
replyYes, it will work for you. No restrictions known for activations through Steamworks.
This game unavailable in all Asia regions , if i bought it from here but the Steam wouldn't let me activate it, or the Steam blocked it from my library, wold I get a refund?