NieR: Automata Steam Key

NieR: Automata

NieR: Automata tells the story of androids 2B, 9S and A2 and their battle to reclaim the machine-driven dystopia overrun by powerful machines.

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Comments on NieR: Automata

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Despairing Guitar 1 0

can use it in hong kong?

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FionnGP Team 1 0

Yes you can ?

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Fraxiel 1 0

ah yeah thank you very much <3 also I have one more question, do I get the updates as well?

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FionnGP Team 1 0

Of course - you get all the updates and bug fixes. That will happen automatically as with all other Steam games :)

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Fraxiel 1 0

Thanks for the quick reply <3

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Cjclif 1 0

Did they fix the PC issues?

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CraigBGP Team 1 0

Officially no patch yet but there are community fixes out there for some issues.

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andy666111333 1 0

HI,i used my key .but i did not get the Valve Character Accessory this dlc in my dlcs
if you provide NieR:Automata™ Day One Edition version i shoud got the Valve Character Accessory . So how did i get the Valve Character Accessory? thanks!

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CraigBGP Team 1 0

That was only available for a limited time (I believe the first day) and has now expired. You still have the other bonuses though :)

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andy666111333 1 0

but steam say the Valve Character Accessory when purchasing NieR:Automata is 09:00 PDT / 16:00 GMT 24th March 2017.Why cant i get the Valve Character Accessory...Thanks!

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LeController 2 0

Hello, If I do purchase this game and live in the SEA region, will I still have functionality to Steam achievements, playtime, and stuff of that nature? Thanks!

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FionnGP Team 3 0

Absolutely, it's a Steam game. It comes with all the Steamy goodness :p

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Meichaely 1 0

I want to buy this game but im still wondering if i can play this game with my gpu radeon hd8500m other system requirements are good except my gpu.
At least 25- 30 fps on low setting is good for me.

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FionnGP Team 1 0

Hi, To be perfectly frank, I think you are well below the recommended requirements with that GPU. I would not expect to be able to run this game successfully with that Graphics card. Time for an upgrade? The GTX 970's are seriously cheap these days. Great bang for your buck!

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Davy499782852 1 0

If I buy this game and my region is still blocked, where should I download the game? through GP? Is this key for global or just for UK?

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chrisvGP Team 1 0

The activation will give you the game through Steam. The game not being available to purchase through the Steam Store does not mean it is blocked. It just means Steam won't sell it to you ;)

Keys are global without restriction.

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Davy499782852 1 0

Lovely!Thank you so much!


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