PANZER PANIC VR is an innovative virtual reality arena game that places you behind the controls of a battle ready tank. Choose from a collection of different tanks and customize them.
Unlock the aqua tank skin.
Unlock the Croc tank skin.
Unlock the Churchill.
Unlock the Candy tank skin.
Unlock the Hippie tank skin.
Unlock the L6-40.
Unlock the Hotrod tank skin.
Unlock the Cyber tank skin.
Unlock the Sherman.
Unlock the Steampunk tank skin.
Unlock the Goldmember tank skin.
Unlock the T-34.
Unlock the Cutie tank skin.
Unlock the Papercraft tank skin.
Unlock the R35.
Unlock the Neolitank skin.
Unlock the Cowmooflage skin.
Carry all four powerups at the same time with a L6-40.
Collect two powerups of every type in one match with a L6-40.
Collect 10 speed power-ups with a L6-40.
Survive 5 fights in a row with a L6-40.
Capture the enemy flag 10 times with a L6-40.
Destroy 10 player tanks with a Churchill.
Win 30 matches with a Churchill.
Reach 50000 score points with a Churchill.
Destroy 5 player tanks with a Churchill.
Destroy 10 mines in a row with a Churchill.
Destroy 10 small class tanks with a Sherman.
Take 50 powerups of any kind with a Sherman.
Reach 25000 points with a Sherman.
Destroy the T-34 5 times with a Sherman.
Destroy the Panzer IV 10 times with a Sherman.
Win 5 matches with a T-34.
Reach 1500 score points with a T-34.
Destroy 10 player tanks with a T-34.
Receive 8000 hitpoints with a T-34.
Destroy 30 mines with a T-34.
Win 5 matches with a R35 in a row.
Destroy 10 tanks with a R35 and active armor power-up.
Take 10 fire power power-up with a R35.
Destroy 3 heavy class tanks with a R-35.
Return 10 flags with a R35.
Carry flag for more than one minute with a Panzer IV.
Reach 1000 score points with a Panzer IV.
Destroy 10 enemy tanks with a Panzer IV.
Play 20 matches with a Panzer IV.
Destroy 5 barrels.
Destroy 20 mines.
Destroy 80 player tanks.
Unlock 10 tank skins.
Capture the enemy flag in multiplayer 20 times.
Destroy 20 player tanks.
Unlock 5 tank skins.
Destroy 20 tanks with active speed power-up.
Destroy 20 tanks with active armor power-up.
Destroy 20 tanks with active fire rate power-up.
Destroy 20 tanks with active fire power power-up.
Capture the enemy flag 15 times.
Take 30 powerups.
Destroy 30 barrels.
Destroy 30 enemy tanks.
Return your flag 5 times after it was stolen.
Capture the enemy flag 10 times.
Carry the enemy flag 10 times.
Take 10 powerups.
Destroy 10 barrels.
Destroy 20 enemy tanks.
Find the secret in the Tundra arena.