As the director of Pandemic Defense, an international biosecurity agency, you must respond to the onslaught of widespread, deadly contagions. A new pathogen has arrived and every turn counts—our survival rests in your hands.
Succeed at an operation
Quarantine a city
Hire four operatives in a single scenario
Research a trait
Research a tech
Win all scenarios on hard
Win all scenarios on normal or higher
Win all scenarios on easy or higher
Win the game from every starting location
Win the game with every leader
Win without hiring any medic operatives
Win without hiring any security operatives
Win without hiring any scientist operatives
Win without hiring any diplomat operatives
Win before turn 13
Win without any operatives getting below 50% health
Reach maximum level with every operative type in a single scenario
Don't fail any operations
Research all tech in a single scenario
Community idea: Win all 5 scenarios without using the "Heal Operative" operation on medium or higher
Community idea: Win all 5 scenarios by hiring only 1 additional operative
Community idea: Win all 5 scenarios after neither treating nor quarantining for the first 3 turns on medium or higher