RESIDENT EVIL 7 biohazard Steam Key

RESIDENT EVIL 7 biohazard

Fear and isolation seep through the walls of an abandoned southern farmhouse. "7" marks a new beginning for survival horror with the “Isolated View” of the visceral new first-person perspective. Powered by the RE Engine, horror reaches incredible heights of immersion as players enter a terrifying...

Windows PC  Action
£15.99 -61% £6.16 To the Shop-Page
17 January, 2017 – CraigBGP Team

Xbox One Controller Key Binds

With most action games some gamers may prefer to use a pad for RE7 and as with other entries in the series, RE7 makes things very comfortable to play on either Pad or Keyboard. Below you'll be able to see a mapped list of controls available when using the Xbox One pad (the same controls will likely feature on the 360 pad as well).

You'll also be able to tailor certain controls to your liking, removing things like aim assist and more.

Xbox One Controller Controls

Score: 3

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