Welcome to Santo Ileso, a vibrant fictional city in the American Southwest. In a world rife with crime, where lawless factions fight for power, a group of young friends embark on their own criminal venture, as they rise to the top in their bid to become Self Made.
Action / AdventureAcquire every perk.
Complete all wingsuit challenges.
Buy 1 item from every store.
Pulled out of a car by a pedestrian.
Obtain 85 items in the Collectibles app.
Obtain 5 items in the Collectibles app.
Complete all jobs on the Wanted app.
Complete all Side Hustles.
Complete 25 challenges.
Complete Showdown.
Complete a Side Hustle.
Complete a job on the Wanted app.
Complete First F#@!ing Day.
Customize a vehicle.
Customize a weapon.
Customize a weapon, a vehicle, clothing item, and your skin with a Cutting Edge material.
Defeat all members of the Idols Collective.
Destroy a car with Pugnus Sanctus Dei.
Complete 10 Crimes of Opportunity.
Perform a barrel roll.
Unlock Criminal Empire Tier 2.
Unlock Criminal Empire Tier 3.
Unlock Criminal Empire Tier 4.
Place a criminal venture.
Complete a criminal venture.
Fully upgrade a vehicle.
Fully upgrade a weapon.
Reach the maximum level.
Refill the boost bar 3 times in a row with Infinite Boost.
Defeat a miniboss from each faction.
Kill an enemy with a towed object.
Kill a tank driver with the Quantum Aperture.
Complete 5 districts in Santo Ileso.
Own 100 different pieces of clothing.
Prank a co-op partner.
Buy 2 Emotes.
Perform a quadruple backflip with Super Air Control.
Complete the photo scavenger hunt.
Stagger an enemy with a vending machine.
Complete 10 districts in Santo Ileso.
Unlock all vehicle special upgrades.
Hit a launched piñata with the Piñata Stick.
Open the Style app for the first time.
Complete all 15 districts in Santo Ileso.
Attain Level 5 with all Murder Circus contestants.
Complete The Blue Wedding.
Complete DustFaire Games.
Complete The BowelRun.
Complete Return of the Dust King.
Complete The Battle of Ice and Dust.
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle