On a mysterious remote island, a skull washes up on shore and is reawakened by an enigmatic deity. Dubbed Skully, the newly reanimated being has been summoned to intervene in a war between the deity’s three siblings, whose quarrel jeopardizes the island they call home.
Arcade & IndieSummon the Strong Form
Summon the Swift Form
Summon the Vault Form
Defeat 100 Water Punks
Defeat 50 Lava Punks
Stare straight at the Camera
Find 100% of the collectibles in any chapter
Find 100% of the collectibles in 4 chapters
Find 100% of the collectibles in 8 chapters
Complete any chapter without dying
Complete 5 different chapters without dying
Find 100% of the collectibles in 12 chapters
Find 100% of the collectibles in 15 chapters
Throw Skully 60m
Complete 10 different chapters without dying
Find 100% of the collectibles in all chapters
Total War: WARHAMMER III - Omens of Destruction
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle