Become a demonic priestess of lust - Vydija, and use her unique skills to take revenge on your enemies. Regain your kingdom making hell tremble under your hooves! Leave no one alive if they won't bend the knee.

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27 October, 2021 – RafalMGP Team

SUCCUBUS available now - unlock the uncensored version (free DLC)

SUCCUBUS is available for purchase on Gamesplanet today. We introduce you to the game and explain how to remove censorship using the free DLC.

Game Overview

Succubus is a fast paced action shooter, where you use your powers, boomerang blades and a spear for ranged attacks. It's full of DOOM vibes - dark, gritty, action packed where you as a powerful being obliterate swarms of enemies. The gameplay is fluid, the increasing difficulty makes it gradually demanding. There are various challenges to complete in order to restart the levels, and there are online player rankings for each level, giving it a little competitive edge.

You'll chain hits, propel enemies into lethal scenery, or draw flames from around you to cause short-lived walls of fire. Even if each combat element is nothing new, it still makes for a very dynamic gameplay. In between big fights you can contemplate Hell for a moment, and this is where Madmind Studios' signature style comes into play. Play as a succubus and become the vengeful terror of the underworld!

How to unlock the uncensored version

Every player, regardless of their country of origin, can enjoy the uncensored version. This content is for adults only!

To unlock the uncensored content:

  • Open your zip file, you will find a file called "Installation.txt", open it and follow the instructions. You will need to unzip the archive file into the folder "Succubus".

  • Once the game is running, make sure the "Censorship" option in the general menu is highlighted. It fades out when there is censorship. Click to remove censorship.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jcGYmiILbvA&ab_channel=GPGameTrailers

Score: 2


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CraigBGP Team 1 0

Read the other reply I just responded to you with, and no you don't need to pay for the DLC or WinZip. You can use something like WinRar free version instead. Any troubles feel free to email us.


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