Control a herd of charming creatures called Trebhum and explore an unforgettable alien world filled with exotic lifeforms and surreal environments. Discover dozens of mutations to overcome puzzles, explore new biomes, and survive on a dangerous planet.
AdventureScare off an Omnogrom by spraying water into its eye.
Make an Onkifurt leave its nest by spraying water into its mouth.
Frighten a Tonglegroplet using the Deimatic Trunk.
Scare away a Tripobosh or Onogrosh with a smelly surprise.
Get the trunk mutation from within a Roondaslock.
Disable 3 Witnesses.
Process over 100 units of organic ingredients.
Process over 100 units of mineral ingredients.
Scan all creatures using the Analytical Eyes.
Destroy an Exonerator using Mixer Body projectiles.
Defeat a Liberator using Mixer Body projectiles.
Transform to all the mutations that exist in the game.