Discover a dark mystery only a medium can solve. Travel to an abandoned communist resort and use your unique psychic abilities to uncover its deeply disturbing secrets, solve dual-reality puzzles, survive encounters with sinister spirits, and explore two realities at the same time.
Use Insight for at least 15 minutes.
Find an Echo.
Find all Echoes in a single playthrough.
Reconstruct a Memory Shard.
Reconstruct all Memory Shards in a single playthrough.
Find a page from a mentor's diary.
Find a note from a troubled man.
Find a postcard from the groundskeeper.
Find an Echo of a mysterious caller.
Spend 10 minutes outside your body.
Escape the creature without alerting it.
Inspect 25 objects in a single playthrough.
Inspect 50 objects in a single playthrough.
Inspect 100 objects in a single playthrough.