Journey to another planet and discover its secrets in order to bring your loved one back to life. Experience an adventure, inspired by old school classics like Another World, Heart of Darkness and Flashback.
Set your plan in motion
Get a gun
Land on an alien planet
Kill the nope
Unlock teleportation mode
Unlock telekinesis mode
Unlock shield mode
He's after you!
Find the place mentioned by an alien map
Bring a gift of water to locals
Find an alien city
Dig a very long tunnel
Beat the Boss
Collect all memories
Well...That was fast
Take your time and do it right
Yup, keep trying... Maybe you'll get lucky next time
Seems those ground drones have a blind spot
Beat the Boss...Without dying even once.
Bounce, bounce, bounce...
Did you just apparate to the same spot?
It fits but it doesn't work
You can't brute force the steam vents...
Your head probably hurts like hell...
Why climb when you can jump?
Why jump when you can climb?
...but the explosion killed me