Black Friday – a devastating pandemic sweeps through New York City, and one by one, basic services fail. In only days, without food or water, society collapses into chaos.
Clarification for other users willing to buy this product, I've got the key's and they we're succesfully activated but somehow it didn't activate my product, this seems to be a problem at uPlay. Gameplanet reponded quickly and professionally.
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I've mailed the screenshot, hopefully I'll get in contact soon. Thanks for the fast reply.
replyClarification for other users willing to buy this product, I've got the key's and they we're succesfully activated but somehow it didn't activate my product, this seems to be a problem at uPlay. Gameplanet reponded quickly and professionally.
replyWritten "The Division" in the bar of search at the top on uplay, I had the same bug.
replyHandy tip, thanks for mentioning it! Hopefully @xshiinji is able to fix his issue.