Tortuga - A Pirate’s Tale tells the journey of a pirate captain with a lust for gold and glory who assumes command of a fleet of pirate ships to strike the Caribbean.
Win your first sea battle
Board a ship
Lose a sea battle
Fire both broadsides in one round
Sink the entirety of a convoy
Ram the entirety of a convoy
Raid a town
Complete one captain's adventure
Complete 5 captains' adventures
Complete all captains' adventures
Sail with 6 captains
Have possessed all types of ships
Upgrade a ship at the harbormaster
Distribute 1,000,000 Gold when dividing booty
Share your entire booty
Raid 666 convoys in one game
Fully equip a Ship of the line exclusively with the best gear
Have over 80% loyalty from at least 5 captains at the same time
Reach level 25 with your character
Capture 10,000 barrels of hemp in one game
Finish the main storyline
Achieve full approval from 2 nations
Possess a hideout
Possess 6 hideouts
Possess all hideouts
Complete a mission for each faction